Since the divorce (which saved all our lives), she has written us a love letter every Valentine's Day. I have a stack of them in a special folder which I re-read from time to time. Not only do they remind me of how much she loves me but they also give a historical account of my life from year to year. She writes about my personal growth, challenges, my own courage and our similarities.
Nowadays with three grown girls, two sons-in-law and nine grandchildren, her writing takes a bit longer but the message is always the same: I love you and here's why.
I'm blessed with a Mom who loves Jesus. She lead me to the church where I became a believer. She leads the spiritual health and integrity of our family, including sons-in-law and grandchildren. She is a woman after God's own heart. Admittedly not perfect in any way but humble in more ways than most.
I love her very much. We've come a long way in our relationship. I trust her with my "innards" and she knows how to counsel me when I'm troubled. Her favorite game to play is Sorry! and card games. But you better beware! She's incredibly competitive and ruthless, laughs the best of laughs, and when she says, "Say Two", you best do it so you're both rolling off the chair in hysterics and wet pants.