Little faces, little hands,
Changes in their auntie they do not understand.
"How come you don't come over as much?"
"How come you use a cane?"
"How come you get tired so soon?"
"How come?"
"Because my body isn't working like it used to."
Hearing those words come out of my mouth is a slug in the gut without any padding to absorb the impact and sometimes the shock. There's no money for medication, no insurance. I wait for God to answer this need. In the meantime, I deal with the withdrawals, returning symptoms and pray that God moves paperwork at lightening speed through government agencies. He can do all things - even that.
I'm afraid. More pain killers but a limited supply. I have to be very careful not to get hooked on them. It's tempting when you can't sleep at night, your body is seizing up, headaches/migraines return and your stomach is in knots. The daily bleeding, the extra pounds shedding, no way to get the treatment I need. So I pray that God moves peoples hearts at foundations to pay for the medical needs. He can do all things - even that.
I have a roof over my head, soft foods for my stomach, baggy clothing, utilities and my family and friends watching over me. They believe He can do all things - I hang onto that.
He will make a way...