The hard part about getting down on my knees, besides the bending and pressure I feel in my knee caps, is the humility. I feel stupid praying in front of a refrigerator to the God of all creation yet I'm desperate enough to do just about anything.
I look at myself in the mirror and wonder, "What happened to the thin person I used to be? Where did she go and why doesn't she want to come back?" Answers yet to be discovered.
As I was reading Hosea chapter one today, it was shocking to hear how God responded to the unfaithfulness of his people. How he asked Hosea to marry a prostitute, to have her bear the children of other men, to give them names that would end the independence of Israel, to no longer show love to the people of Israel or forgive them then to deny Israel as his people and not be their God!
But then comes a time of restoration. The people of Judah and Israel unite under one leader. "What a day that will be." God will plant his people in his land, Hosea will call his brothers Ammi (My people) and he will call his sisters Ruhamah (The ones I love).
That's what happens when unfaithfulness defiles God. I want my prayer life and outside life to reflect the leading of the Holy Spirit. His presence, His guidance and all He wants to do in and through me.