The Bible says God will never leave us nor forsake us.
In my case, I hang onto those words as a lifeline.
I hope you do, too.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Later That Same Day...
If you read the below writing first, I bet you're wondering how I was able to fall back asleep. I own this 1995 VHS tape from Moody Publishing. describes it this way: "An inspiring praise and worship video, that helps to make God's word more familiar, His promises real, and His comfort a more personal experience. Filled with contemporary songs and Bible passages to provide an uplifting source of strength that recites scripture, uses pictures of creation and plays praise music in the background." I couldn't have said it better myself.
It's 55 minutes long which is just enough time to get the PTSD under control and feel my body completely relax. I fell back to sleep for another 9 hours!
I highly recommend this VHS for everyone who has difficulty sleeping after a rough night of emotional stress. I think I'll put it in the VCR tonight before I fall asleep. And maybe, just maybe, I can rest In His Presence the whole night through.
I couldn't find a sample from the actual video. But this is pretty close.