Dear God,
I believe you have a plan and purpose for all the events that have shaped who I am.
I believe you will fully restore me for your glory so others can be encouraged as they walk the same difficult paths I've walked for the last 28 years.
I believe you do not waste pain. You provide the right people at the right time for the right purpose.
I believe when three cords are intertwined they cannot be broken.
I believe you are the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament.
I believe you are strong, steadfast and true to your word.
I believe you are healing only what you can heal as long as I have my hands open and my arms outstretched toward you.
I believe you will mend brokenness, comfort grieving and bring a new day when all tears shall be wiped away.
I believe you are for me, not against me.
I believe you love me with an everlasting love.
I believe you were with me while the sexual abuse was happening. I believe you cried for me when I could not utter a sound.
I believe you are a righteous judge and my Dad has stood before you (as other perpetrators have) and been confronted with the sin they committed against an innocent little girl.
I believe you are the great forgiver of my sin and of all sin, no matter how bad or how ugly.
I believe when my Dad asked Christ to forgive him for his sin at age 12, Christ received him into his family where my Dad now rests.
I believe the pain in my heart will always be with me.
I believe you will be with me, too.
Love Amy
This song was chosen because there are those who don't know God and need to. Just like Jesus didn't hang out with those who didn't need a doctor, we need to reach out to those who are lost in and of this world.