Sunday, June 7, 2009


Dear God,

Here is a list of what I'm grateful for today:

My age, Bible, Christ, deliverance, eternity, family, girlfriends, Holy Spirit, intuition, justice, keepsakes, laughter, mountains, naps, oceans, poverty, quiet, reflection, second chances, trust, uniqueness, visualization, weather changes, xcellent music, youngsters, zero failure in your eyes.

I feel numb again. Or is it the silence of my soul? How does one tell the difference? I'm so tired. Not depressed. Tired.

Oh, to be on a vacation by myself in my beloved Scottsdale. The heat, the mountains, the valleys, the animals. To swim, to sunbathe, to read, to rest without being bothered. No phone, no phone, no phone.

Perhaps someday when I can drive again. Until then, I dream of a little place called Payson, AZ. I dream of the forest road that takes my mind to far away places. And I dream of the adventure I hope to have again...someday.

God, grant me the serenity I need for today.
I love you,