Dear God,
What is a friend? I know what I'd like my friend to be:
A woman who sees value in herself and others, including me.
Someone who is balanced in her emotions.
A woman who knows God approves of her successes as well as her faults.
Someone who is able to laugh and able to cry.
A woman who is has a strong presence and gentle arms to hold me when I cry.
Someone who is afraid and has courage to admit it then moves on.
A woman who takes my hand and leads me out of places she's already climbed out of.
Someone who prays to you, studies your Word and remembers to pray for me.
A woman who can receive from me what I have to give at that moment.
Someone who is secure in their relationship with you.
A woman who can say, "No" in a way that is sensitive, not hurtful.
Someone who tries to understand why I do what I do during mental breakdowns.
A woman who is strong enough to not leave me when I am at my weakest point.
Someone who understands my love languages of touch and time with boundaries.
A woman who has little girls inside and we discover and value them together.
Someone who when she hurts me, listens with her ears and not her mouth.
A woman who does not make excuses but can honestly say, "I'm sorry."
Someone who when she does need to leave my life, has a discussion in person - not through email.
Is there such a person? Probably not in any one person but I bet if I look hard enough I'll find a lot of these qualities in the safe people in my life today.
Love Amy