Saturday, September 5, 2009

Forgive the Person

Dear God,

I feel I am to forgive three people: Stephanie, Bonnie and myself.

I forgive Stephanie for the way she has chosen to handle this situation and how she has treated me. It has been very hurtful. Consequently, it has ended a future for this friendship. I ask you to bring her comfort and peace as she works through this and related issues so she can live a life that is free from the daily pain of her past and begin to enjoy the gifts you give her everyday. Help her to see herself as a special creation, as we all are, with specific gifts designed to build your kingdom so others can receive the joy and freedom Christ offers through substitutionary atonement. Help her to feel needed but not needy; to feel loved but not dependent on others love; to feel confident in her skills because you wired her up that way and have people affirm those in her; and then Lord, help her to soar with wings like eagles and run with the deer in the meadows.

I forgive all those people who gave her counsel having never spoken with me. They'll have to confess their sins to you themselves, Lord, but I do forgive them.

This is a hard one because it has been hard to know what to do. I've had a sharp pain in my heart where Bonnie is concerned. I think it has to do with my own hurt and perhaps holding onto a resentment though she has been truthful each time I've asked her hard questions. I made a big mistake, Lord. I thought since Bonnie now had a small group, her kids were getting married and she now had grandchildren she no longer wanted me as her best friend. Especially since I've had so many physical and mental problems. I decided for her to stay away so I wouldn't hear those words, "I have to schedule time for you and I don't want my kids around you because your medication doesn't make you look or act right. I can't have them around you" which was already said one time when we met before work. That was heartbreaking to hear and I was unable to process it, trying to make sense of it. So, I stayed away.

I love her and I miss her. I made a huge mistake by ever thinking Stephanie was my best friend. I think it was because she accepted my illness as I was each day and didn't reject me being around Jaimie until the end when she called me mentally unstable.

So Lord? Because of your forgiveness of me, I forgive Stephanie for her lack of maturity and I forgive myself. Please help me to let go of Stephanie. I put her life in the palm of your hand.

Love Amy