Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Ask for God's Perspective

"And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you." Eph. 4:32

Dear God,

What is your perspective on my behaviors/actions/reactions, Stephanie's behaviors/actions/reactions and our situation? Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.....

My dearest Amy,

Both of you are lost and caught up in a whirlwind of being right instead of helping one another. You've spent the last month fighting over who's perspective is right, who made the choices, who's responsibility is it to do so and so and look what happened? Your friendship stretched like a rubber band and snapped.

I understand and have compassion for both of your behavior. Neither one of you have been medicated properly for your depression so neither one of you have any business making major decisions especially when it comes to your friendship. And who brought you together? I DID!!! I'm so upset with both of you that I could knock your heads together. And what's this non-sense about who's giving permission for the two of you to talk to one another?? TALK TO ONE ANOTHER!!!!! Christ died on the cross so there didn't have to be a mediary. It hurts me to see both of you in so much pain especially because both of you created it yourself. Now, are you going to fix it? That's a choice both of you have to make together.

Honestly Amy, I don't know if the situation is mendable. I know you have trust issues and I know my dear Stephanie does, too. I know you both scare each other with how much you love each other and think it's unnatural. It's not. You are meant to love and be loved. You are meant to share your lives. Not in an unnatural way but as friends who have been dealt terrible hurtful childhoods. You can help little Stephie to feel safe, to be hugged when she's scared and to come out and play. Stephanie can comfort little Amy when she's shaking from being beaten so much and remembers all the bruises all over her little body.

But Amy, both of you have to be willing to forgive one another and go one step beyond that. You have to let each other go and not cling to one another but cling to Me instead. Branch out to the people I've put into your lives. I know it's hard but you'll be so much healthier.

My perspective is this: Take some time away from each other. Heal yourselves, heal your hurts then come back to one another and talk. You have to talk, not run. You have to listen to one another, not other people. You have to pray to Me, not depend on other people's advice.

Amy, I want you to keep your love for Stephanie fresh in your heart and work through your hurt and anger. You never know what's going to happen. Someday, you might need her or she might need you. Both of you need to be ready for each other.

Love God

Lord, please give me the courage of conviction to digest the truth you have spoken to my heart, soul and mind. If Stephanie is doing this exercise, please give her insight so she can experience the raw honesty you have planned for her growth. I love her and want her to grow too, Lord.

Love Amy