Dear Heavenly Father,
For a few months now I've been dreaming about trains. Being on one that goes up and down hills like a roller coaster; being unaware of how a complicated track works - where do cars go, when do they cross, how the signals work, etc; then last night was an above double decker set of tracks where I had no idea how to get my car across, came close to being smashed by an on coming train but followed a car up five steps to get out. It was messy, disorienting and confusing.
It all feels similar to the emotional healing that's taking place. Sometimes I'm on the train, other times I'm on my feet trying to cross the tracks. Sometimes I'm in my car trying to cross the tracks, other times I almost get killed. So the related feelings would be:
Confident or Taking a Risk
Full of Fear but I am able to get to the other side
There are probably more emotional labels but Jeff can help with those later if need be. I've been praying for emotional healing since I can remember. I believe you have been answering that prayer at a steady pace though at times I've ditched the entire process. Those were the times I saw the on coming train and felt tied to the tracks, unable to move. It was then that I lept off the path of healing.
I know this exercise wants me to pray for Stephanie everyday but I believe that is unhealthy. I'm moving on now.
Now I need your help to stop cutting and to follow through on the doctors you have put before me. All of them. No matter what the diagnosis, I am to accept it. All of it. My mom is right. Jesus is my life preserver and without Him, I would have succeeded with one of the attempted suicides. Thank you for saving me.
Love Amy