Monday, April 27, 2009

Our Trust In You

Dear God,

It still amazes me at how tired I become after spending time socializing. I found it difficult to read Donald's Haiti trip notes. My brain was having difficulty with concentration and conceptualization. I had to read very slowly, often times re-reading what I wasn't able to grasp. I've found this to be normal since the seizures. But it still bothers me greatly.

I finished the book of Daniel. Chapters eleven and twelve were amazing. So many wars, changes in rulers and then the end being predicted. The end of chapter eleven verse one and two say this: "But at that time every one of your people whose name is written in the book will be rescued. Many of those whose bodies lie dead and buried will rise up, some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt." Sobering. Then chapter twelve verse three says, "Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who turn many to righteousness will shine like stars forever."

Annie, Donald and I talked a bit about Bob. The sudden death of one of their closest friends and a man who encouraged me when I was in the pits of despair. Bob came to mind who will be a star forever. His faith shone so brightly to the broken, the needy, the poor and the oppressed. He touched me and changed a part of my life forever.

Thank you, Lord, that we can put our trust in You.