A symbol of hope.
A place of rest.
Safety, security.
Meals made for you.
Needed conversations.
Groups that stimulate new thoughts.
Homework toward reaching goals.
New coping skills.
All bundled up in one place.
Good Shepherd Hospital in Barrington, IL.
Behavioral Health Unit.
A place where short-term crisis care and intervention
Meets people in crisis who need short-term care.
My stay? 10 days.
Things learned:
1. Walking into your psychiatrist's office crying is a good thing. Not being able to stop crying and not being able to answer the question, "Are you have thoughts of suicide" is also a good thing. Then he can help you so you don't take matters into your broken hands and unnecessarily hurt yourself.
2. Admitting you need help is a good thing. Asking for help is a good thing. Accepting help is a good thing. Then you can defeat the lie of being alone and embrace the truth of being loved and cared about.
3. Nobody can make me feel anything or create my mood or control my behavior. Events happen. How I choose to respond to those events (past and present through thoughts, mood, behavior) are usually within my control. There's a wise balance in that discovery.
4. Coping skills for the mind, body and spirit are mine to search out for myself. I have many I can put into practice any time I need them. Incorporating them into daily living will keep the negative thoughts and depression from snowballing.
5. Medication is important. Taking it as prescribed. No one can do this for me. But if I notice a change in myself and the above tools are not working notify my psychiatrist so it doesn't go unchecked.
Just for today, I will do what I need to do to feel good about who I am and accept the exact spot where God has me. I will not put extra pressure on myself to complete everything at once so I can "rest" later. Too much stress at any one time is not worth the mental anguish. God doesn't want me doing that to myself.
Especially now.