Friday, November 6, 2009

Forgive the Person

Dear God,

Because of your forgiveness to me, I forgive Jill for her offenses. She hurt me deeply by making promises she could not keep. I believe she is projecting her past onto me and for that I cannot do anything. So Lord, if that's the way you want to use me so she can heal from that terrible wound, please continue to use me. I want what's best for her and right now it's for the two of us to not be in each others lives.

I want to thank you for letting me have her as a friend for the short time she was here. She made a huge impact in my life. She was sweet, caring, sacrificing, truthful and yes, I do believe she loved me as best she knew how.

Please forgive me for the ways I hurt her. Most of all my immature communication. God, I forgive myself for not knowing how to react to people who want to be close to me and help me. I forgive myself for lashing out at this disease and blaming myself for having it. I forgive myself for self-inflicted marks I've made permanent on my / your body. I forgive myself for not always knowing what to do in complicated circumstances.

God, even though I don't understand why you've allowed so much pain in my life, I forgive you. I can no longer blame you for the sin of Adam and Eve who, by fulfilling their own self-will, imposed disease and brokenness on all of humanity.

Please teach me how to love myself and others when true love is sometimes so painful to hang in there. Teach me who to let go of, who to keep, who to trust and who to fully trust. I am ignorant in this area and I ask for your help.

Your daughter,
Amy Kathleen